With the new flexible technician assignment update, anyone attached to the escalation plan can assign a technician to the appointment. There are three possible ways for a job to be assigned to a particular technician. 

Accepting with a Related Technician

The person who accepts the job determines who the appointment is assigned to in Servicetitan. If the person who accepts the job has a Related Technician set up under their contact in the dashboard, the job will automatically be assigned to their Related Technician. This means that technicians only need to hit accept in the Schedule Engine dashboard and the job will automatically be assigned to them. 

Accepting Without a Related Technician

If the person who accepts the job doesn’t have a Related Technician, they will be able to choose who gets assigned the job. This is especially useful if you have a dispatcher or office staff in your on-call schedule. They no longer need to open Servicetitan to be able to assign the appointment to any technician.

After hitting Accept, they’ll see a window to select anyone from their Technician list.

In the Assign Technician window, you can search, select, and assign a technician or choose not to assign one at all.

Once they select a technician, they’ll see a confirmation page where they can also choose to assign that same technician every time they accept an escalation. This is a quick way to make the technician they've selected their Related Technician moving forward. 

Once you've selected a technician you can confirm your selection. You also can choose to always assign that technician when you accept an escalation.

Once they’ve confirmed their technician selection, the job will be created in Servicetitan and assigned to the technician they’ve selected.

Expired or Canceled Escalations

If no one accepts the escalation notifications, the appointment will not appear in Servicetitan until the escalation expires. Once the escalation has expired, the appointment will be assigned to the first person in the plan that has a related technician signed up under their contact. If no one on the plan has a related technician, the appointment will be created under your default assignment rules. Depending on your set up with Schedule Engine, this may mean that the job will go into the unassigned section or will be assigned to a specific technician.