We want you to quickly and easily find the answers you need about Schedule Engine, which is why we’ve created the Schedule Engine Help Center - a one-stop-shop for all of our most frequently asked questions, documentation, policies, and more. 

To easily find the article you're looking for, we categorized articles by product, services, and key phase you're in, for example getting started, marketing your services, and getting results. 

In each category, you'll find the articles associated with it. Most articles are actually based on the feedback and experiences of our users. 

Like how to set how to manage notifications or how to add new users to your dashboard, or more advanced tutorials, like analytics or promoting on social media

You can also quickly search for articles to help you troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing. If you are still unable to solve the issue, you can now file and view support tickets right from the Help Center. 

To file a support ticket, visit:


Click on New Support Ticket 

You will then land on this screen. Fill in all the relevant details about your issue and our support team will get back with you soon!

You can also check existing tickets you have filed by clicking Check Ticket Status 

Check for self service solutions via Keyword Searches

View and share solutions or

Check articles / solutions related to yours

You can also send us feedback on help articles. Just click the thumbs up or thumbs down button and send our team a message if you found an article helpful or noticed something that needs improvement!