What is a Site / Location Takeover?

Schedule Engine will flag certain booked appointments as potential "location takeovers." There are two situations where this might occur:

1. The customer states that they ARE an existing customer of yours when booking with us, but the phone number they provide does not match a phone number tied to the customer or site/location record, or

2. The customer states that they ARE NOT an existing customer of yours, but books an appointment for a location already in your system.

In both cases, we will send an email to you stating that a "takeover request" has occurred to the same mailing list that we send your booking confirmations. The details of the job will be provided, along with the customer information provided in the online booking tool. You will also find a note about this in the notes summary of the job in your system. 

When this happens, you should open up the job and determine why we may have flagged it. If it is an existing customer using a new phone number, your dispatch team should add the number to the customer/location record and allow the job to proceed as booked. If the customer is a new owner of an existing location, a customer record should be created for that customer and job should be mapped to that new customer record.

If you are using ServiceTitan and have opted to use a Default Tag such as "Booked by SE", we can replace that with the new "Site Takeover" tag. You will need to add this Job tag in your ServiceTitan instance & contact support to configure.