Below are some of the most common issues we see from our Clients along with some potential solutions. If you still have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to support to review your settings & agent panel:

  • Too many "handoffs" or not enough bookings 
    • Check to ensure you have no Buffers or Blockers enabled in your Schedule Engine Dashboard
      • This will cause the availability to be pushed out or blocked off for certain days and job types

  • Incorrect Escalations
    • Is your "on-call" schedule up to date on the Schedule Engine Dashboard ?
      • We refer to this scheduler to know who and how we escalate to
    • Which Jobs should we be booking?
      • Confirm that we have an accurate representation of the types of jobs you would like to book and escalate:
        • EX: NO Heat, All jobs, Emergencies only, etc
      • How aggressive or conservative would you like us to be with booking jobs? What's your stance?
    • How should we be escalating jobs? Options: 
      • Notify
      • Notify + Book
      • Notify + Book + Assign
    • Do your techs know how to accept and receive escalations?
      • We will send a text with a link to the job in the Dashboard
      • Your tech will need to sign in & accept the escalation

  • Incorrect information being given out to your customers:
    • These agent notes can be edited and tailored anytime 
    • They are not a script, but are reference points for agents as they have conversations with your customers
    • Reach out to support to verify the current notes our agents use for interactions with your customers

Keep in mind that we send a summary email after each chat interaction. We use the list of resolutions and statuses linked here: